Academic and Professional Activities
1972 - Research Assistant, French Department, Tel Aviv University
1973-1975 - Teaching Assistant, French Department, Ben Gurion University
1975-1978 - Instructor, Department of Foreign Literatures and Linguistics, Ben Gurion University
1978-1980 - Senior Instructor, Department of Foreign Literatures and Linguistics, Ben Gurion University
1980-1983 - Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Foreign Literatures and Linguistics, Ben Gurion University
1983-1987 - Lecturer, Department of Foreign Literatures and Linguistics, Ben Gurion University (on
Sabbatical 1983-1984)
1982-1984 - Visiting Scholar and Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, Stanford University
1983-1984 - Visiting Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, San José State University
1986 (summer) - Visiting Scholar, Department of Linguistics, Stanford University
1987-1992 - Senior Lecturer with tenure, Department of Foreign Literatures and Linguistics, Ben Gurion University
1989-1990 - Visiting Senior Lecturer, French Department, Tel-Aviv University
1990 (fall) - Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Modern Languages, Florida International University (On Sabbatical from Ben-Gurion University)
1992-2000 - Senior Lecturer, French Department, Tel-Aviv University
1996 - Tenure, French Department, Tel-Aviv University
1996 (winter) - On Sabbatical at LADL (Université de Paris 7)
1997 (winter) - On Sabbatical at LADL (Université de Paris 7)
2000-2009 - Associate Professor, French Department, Tel-Aviv University
2001 (Winter) - Professeur Invité, UFR de Langue Française, Université de Paris IV Sorbonne (On Sabbatical from TAU).
2009-2015 - Full Professor, French Department, Tel-Aviv University
2009-2010 - Professeur Invité (1ère classe), UFR de Langue Française, Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) (On Sabbatical from TAU).
2014-2015 - Visiting Scholar - Department of German and Romance Languages and Literatures, Johns Hopkins University.
2015-Present - Professor (Emerita) Tel Aviv University
2015-Present - Program of Cognitive Studies
Academic Functions
1997-2001 - Chair, French Department, Tel-Aviv University
1997-2003 - Chair, Israel Association for Applied Linguistics
1998-2003 - Member, Research Committee, School of Cultural Sciences, Tel-Aviv University
2001-2003 - Member, Awards Committee, Faculty of Humanities, Tel-Aviv University
2002-2008 - Expert scientifique, Fonds National Belge (Scientific Expert)
2003-2005 - Expert scientifique auprès de la Mission scientifique universitaire, Ministère délégué à la recherche et aux nouvelles technologies (Scientific Expert)
2002 - Chair, French Department, Tel-Aviv University (second semester)
2002-Present - Member, Research Group, Sens et texte, Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)
2003-2011 - President, Israel Association for Applied Linguistics
2004-2007 - Chair, Admission Committee, Faculty of Humanities, Tel-Aviv University
2004-2007 - Expert international, Ministère des Universités françaises (International Expert)
2006-2013 - Member of the Research Committee, School of Cultural Sciences, Tel-Aviv University
2006 - Chair, French Department, Tel-Aviv University (first semester)
2007-2015 - Member, Research Group, L’évolution des conjonctions, Paris X, Nanterre
2007-2010 - Member, Scientific Committee, École Doctorale 139, Université Paris X Nanterre
2008-2012 - Chair, French Department, Tel-Aviv University
2010-2016 - Member, Nomination and Promotion Committee, Tel-Aviv University
2013-2016 - Elected Senate Member, Tel Aviv University
2013-2019 - President, Israeli Branch of the European Society of Linguistics
2013-2016 - Member, Board of Governors, Tel-Aviv University
2013-2016 - Senate Representative for the Search Committee to appoint the public representatives to the Executive Council
2014-2016 - Member, Committee for Honorary Doctorate Candidates Nomination